Inside The Cent Twins’ Emotional Visit to Their Father’s Grave With Their Families

Inside The Cent Twins’ Emotional Visit to Their Father’s Grave With Their Families. They are always posting happy pictures and videos on their social media pages. But just like many of us, Innocent Sadiki and Millicent Mashile have been dealt hard blows by life.
Popularly known as the Cent Twins, Innocent and Millicent lost their mother when they were four years old and later their father when they were teens. Their mother was just 26 years old, and the twins were told that she got electrocuted. Innocent and Millicent, thus suffered deep emotional trauma because of losing parents when they were still young. They were then raised by their grandmother, who did her best before she passed away a few months ago.
Recently the twins went to visit their father’s grave surrounded by their loved ones. They were in the company of their husbands, kids and big sister. Taking to Instagram, they each shared touching messages of growing up without their parents. Despite losing parents, the Cent Twins, went on to become some of the best entertainers and businesswomen in the country.
“Growing up without both parents has taught me acceptance & finding peace even in a storm.
Accepting my situation helped me find ways to cope & to navigate life. To see the beauty & blessing of grandparents, aunts & uncles. To never take life or people for granted.
I knew nobody owes me anything & no one is coming to save me. The sooner you find God, your purpose & strength to keep souring, the better.
I know myself & @innosadiki aren’t the only ones, if we could make it, so can you. It gets better. Today we are so blessed & continue celebrate our late parents,” Millicent said.
Inno on the other hand, spoke about the difficulty of having to tell her kids about their grandparents. Taking them to the grave was a special moment for them and her.
“I knew a time would come when my kids would be old enough to ask questions. I just didn’t imagine it would be this hard. They don’t know their grandparents and so they’re curious and fascinated about their extraordinary unconventional life that seems and sounds like a movie 😂. Yesterday we took them to see their grandfathers tombstone which my sister did for our dad. It was a special moment. I believe one day my kids will read about the man their grandfather was or even watch documentaries about his life,” she said.