Stephanie Ndlovu Hits Back At Cheating Rumors

Stephanie Ndlovu Hits Back At Cheating Rumors. The Ndlovus are one of the inspirational young celebrity couples in the country. They do almost everything together, from content creation, acting and traveling the world. So when news made the rounds that the two were headed for spitsville, their fans were devastated.
According to the rumors, Hungani Ndlovu impregnated another woman. It is alleged that this caused problems in their marriage and Stephanie Ndlovu was considering divorce. The rumors went n for a few days, with many bashing Hungani for adultery. Despite the backlash, neither he or Stephanie addressed the allegations.
Breaking her silence, Stephanie took to Instagram to post pictures of herself and Hungani looking all cosy. In some of the pictures the couple wore coordinated pajamas, as they bonded in the house. Other pictures they are out attending an event, and we just love how the actress was spicy in the caption.
“Still. Forever & Always. ♾️,” Stephanie captioned their pictures.