Inside Khutso Theledi’s Epic Lobola Celebration

Inside Khutso Theledi’s Epic Lobola Celebration. Congratulations are in order for Khutso Theledi and her partner. The award winning radio personality, MC and entrepreneur has just had her lobola celebration, and it was off the hook.
In April this year, Khutso announced that she was officially off the market. She said “yes” to her Italian beau at Anantara Bazaruto Island Resort, Mozambique. Khutso then took to her Instagram timeline to share the exciting news, with some beautiful pictures and videos. Although Khutso did not share the actual proposal, she showed off her gorgeous ring, a marvelous piece of jewelry.
Two months back, the couple traveled to Venice, Italy and painted the town red. Since this is her fiancé’s home, Khutso got the chance to spend time with her in-laws.
“Cherishing every moment and creating beautiful memories in the heart of Italy. Celebrating wamina’s grandmother’s 86th birthday🎈 I’m reminded every moment and every day that being here is a blessing. God has truly blessed me with more than I deserve, knowing that I’m part of a beautiful bond that extends far beyond just the two of us,” Khutso said.
Taking things a notch up, the couple recently had their lobola event. Khutso looked all sorts of gorgeous in a pink and white Sepedi attire. Her partner opted for nude pants with a matching blazer, and a white T-shirt.
“Love across cultures, a promise made, a promise kept… Elelelele💍🐄,” Khutso captioned some of the breathtaking pictures.