Is Entrepreneurship Really For You?

Starting your own business can very exciting but also the scariest phase of your entrepreneurship journey. It has some of it’s advantages and disadvantages, I mean who doesn’t want to be their own boss? Taking care of business the best way you see fit instead of running back and forth from manager to division manger to boss. This time you can go straight to the boss well because, you are the boss!
What makes the “perfect” entrepreneur? There isn’t a recipe for the perfect entrepreneur but, certain characteristics make one a good entrepreneur. Is entrepreneurship really for you? Do you have the following characteristics?
10. Risk Taker:
At the end of the day being your own boss means that you are the only one making decisions, from the small petty ones that need a simple yes to the bigger decisions that may cost you your business, the ball is in your court all the time. Entrepreneurship involves uncertainty and basically taking a leap of fate every time you make a decision. If you’re not known for not being certain about everything that happens in your life then entrepreneurship may just not be for you. Taking calculated risks is a part of the “secret formula”
9. Mrs/Mr Independent:
A lot of the decisions that entrepreneurs make, they make on their own. If you’re a person who tends to trust their instincts and you’re not afraid of rejection every now and then you could be on your way to being an entrepreneur and owning a successful business.
8. Persuasive Nature:
Having the greatest idea in the world doesn’t mean that everything else will now fall into place. To get the right customers, potential partners and maybe even investors you need to convince them into buying into your idea. What makes it unique and different? Are you bringing something new to the table that will actually sell? If you enjoy speaking in front of crowds of people, engage new people with ease and make compelling facts that with substantiate your business ideas.
7. Able To Negotiate:
Having a small business might essentially mean that you don’t have much money which then means you will have to negotiate your way through a lot of things such has contracts and leases, getting the best deal that suits your pocket . Polished negotiation skills will help you save money and keep your business running smoothly and efficiently.
6. Creative:
To be a small business owner you need to be a creative of some sorts, have new ideas that will keep the business growing, being stuck in the same place for decades is not a part of growing. Can you imagine new ways to solve problems? Entrepreneurs must be able to think creatively. If you have insights on how to take advantage of new opportunities, entrepreneurship may be a good fit.
5. Supported By Others:
A great business always has the right support system. Being an entrepreneur you are forced to make many important decisions, especially in the first few months of opening your business. If you do not have a good support network of people to help you, consider finding a business mentor that will be there to walk you through the process of running a successful business. A business mentor is someone who is experienced, successful and willing to provide advice and guidance to get you to the very same position that they are in.
4. Are you a self-starter?
Being an entrepreneur you eventually become your own PA and editorial team. Starting and finishing projects is all in your hands, taking full responsibility for every task.
3. How well do you get along with different personalities?
You need to be able to associate with different personalities on a daily basis. Not everyone you meet will be for your business. Not every client you come across will be friendly and understanding. You need to be able to deal with the ones who reject your ideas and never let them bring you down.
2.Do you have the physical and emotional stamina to run a business?
Being a business owner involves a lot, both physically and emotionally. You need to be strong and separate your personal hardships from your business dealings.
1. How well do you plan and organise?
Research indicates that poor planning is responsible for most small business failures. Good organisation of financials, inventory, schedules, and production can help you avoid many pitfalls. You need to be hands on about how you plan your days. Make sure that nothing ever clashes and all is well organised.
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