
NSFAS to Open Funding Applications Next Week

NSFAS to Open Funding Applications Next Week. With the National Student Financial Aid Scheme having not announced applications for the next academic, had many panicking. Now everyone can rest assured knowing that there will be funding for 2024.

According to South African News Agency, applications for the 2024 academic year will officially open on 21 November 2023. The financial aid is for all learners who wish to enter the post-school system and students who do not have financial assistance to continue their studies in.

In a statement issued, NSFA said the applications for 2024 funding will open on 21 November 2023 to 31 January 2024. The reason is for NSFAS to afford the beneficiary shorter turn-around times for decision making, which is aligned to the financial eligibility assessment which requires updated SARS information. 

NSFAS is awaiting SARS completion of its tax period and to enable NSFAS to have the necessary and updated information available during our application season. We encourage all students who wish to study in the post school education and training sector higher education and training space to ensure that they apply on time

It is also important that students note that they don’t need results when they are entering post school education and training for the first time. Furthermore, NSFAS is engaged in conversation with the Department of Basic Education to improve the application validation processes including verifying parental relationships and all these improvements will ensure that funding decisions are confirmed timeously,” NSFAS. 

Among the new features for the 2024 application period include NSFAS mobile application which will be rolled out initially for iPhone operating system (IOs), Android, and in due course of HUAWEI devices. Students will also be able to track their application statuses and funding via WhatsApp.

Guidelines will be announced on 21 November 2023.

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