Jub Jub’s Case postponed to December 11

Jub Jub’s Case postponed to December 11. He is facing a number of charges among them attempted murder, rape, kidnapping, and assault to cause grievous bodily harm. Following his recent court appearance, Molemo Jub Jub Maarohanye’s matter has been postponed to 11th December 2023.
Just before Uyajola 9/9 current season’s debut, Jub Jub‘s legal troubles took an unexpected turn. The media personality and rapper handed himself over at the Brixton police station, after a warrant of arrest was issued against him. He appeared in the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court on charges of attempted murder and rape of Amanda Du-Pont. The case was postponed to the 8th November, to allow his defense team time to thoroughly study the state’s case and prepare for trial.
November the 8th arrived, and Jub Jub once again appeared in court. The rape and murder case against him has been postponed to the 11th of December, of this year. The postponement comes as the prosecution seeks to further consult with witnesses. This is also done to allow Jub Jub’s legal team to gather more information. His legal team further asked that the date of his court appearance be moved again to January due to a work tour commitment. Magistrate Betty Khumalo denied the request though.
Jub Jub, who is currently out on a R10 000 bail, has pleaded not guilty to all the charges.