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Watch: Tupac Takes the Country By Storm With Crazy Dance Moves

Meet Tupac, the Man Who Took the Country By Storm With Crazy Dance Moves. His videos have been trending for almost a week now. No one can get enough of Tupac, who stole the show as a groomsman at a wedding.

This was a wedding scene from Nkalakatha: The Life of Mandoza biopic. The six-part biopic, has captivated audiences with its compelling portrayal of the iconic South African Kwaito artist, Mandoza. The biopic not only pays tribute to Mandoza’s musical legacy but also provides a heartfelt exploration of the man behind the music.

Among the cast members are Wiseman Mncube, who impeccably embodied the essence of Mandoza and Lorraine Moropa who pays his wife Mpho Tshabalala. Tumelo Tshabalala, Mandoza’s son, plays the role of his older brother Tokollo Tshabalala in the biopic.

Every scene had viewers on the edge of their seats, as the cast members gave a stellar performance. One scene though that will remain iconic is Mandoza and Mpho’s wedding. We all know that it goes down in the Townships when there is a wedding. Mandoza and Mpho’s wedding was no exception, it was such a vibe. One of the groomsmen, who the country has named Tupac, added spice with his dance moves. He put on a show, showing the kids how it was done back n the day.

The man in particular is Lido ‘Lin Dough’ Sithelo, a prominent name in our entertainment industry. He was also the choreographer in the whole biopic. What a talent!

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