The Cent Twinz Mourn Their Grandmother

The Cent Sisters Mourn Their Grandmother. A grandmother’s love is forever and always. Innocent Sadiki and Millicent Mashile can definitely attest to the quote. The twins had such a beautiful relationship with their grandmother, who is now late.
Innocent and Sadiki lost their mother when they were four years old and later their father when they were teens. Their mother was just 26 years old, and the twins were told that she got electrocuted. Innocent and Millicent, thus suffered deep emotional trauma because of losing parents when they were still young.
Luckily for them though, their grandmother was there to raise them and give them parental love. Looking ate the content they share of their grandmother, it is evident that she was their everything. She was there on special occasions like her grandchildren’s weddings, graduations, and the birth of her great grand kids.
Sadly, she has not been well, which eventually led to her passing. The twins took to Instagram, to announce her death. Although they are in mourning, they have also shared the beautiful memories they have had with their granny over the years.
“Farewell my Queen, my best friend, my love, my Gigi, my everything, my heart, my strength 😭 😭. The day I dreaded all my life. The worst nightmare. That day has come and for the first time I felt my heart jumping out of my chest. I can’t believe you going to finally meet your daughter & my mother again. Your precious baby girl. Have fun 🤩 girls,” Inno said.
“My heart is torn in pieces😢 but I’m happy you are no longer in pain. It’s been a tough couple of months, you fought my queen.
Gogo Siyabonga, thank you! You loved us unconditionally. We are because of you. I don’t know how I will navigate life without you. God see us through 😢
Here’s your favourite song, indeed God has been the Alpha & the Omega 🙏🏽,” Millicent shared her tribute.