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The Acting Fraternity Pays Touching Tributes to Phillip Hlophe

The Acting Fraternity Pays Touching Tributes to Phillip Hlophe. Losing a fellow colleague in the industry is such a painful thing to go through. Our local actors are mourning a legend, who is responsible for many TV shows, dramas, films as well as award shows.

Phillip Hlope is one individual who is known for his immense contribution to our entertainment industry. He is a veteran actor who has been on shows like Matlholadibona which aired back in the day on TV2. Hlophe is also known for his role as Kunene on Mzanzi Magic telenovela, Isibaya. He also grew to be an Assistant Director in the game, having shown his skills on shows like Isibaya, Master Chef South Africa, Yizo Yizo to name only a few.

Along the way he rubbed shoulders with some of the country’s best personalities. But just because he worked behind the scenes, not many know of his contributions to some of their favorite shows. These personalities have however, sang Bra Phil’s praises, and are sharing how he helped them have successful shows. One such in Minnie Dlamini, who states that Bra Phil has worked in almost every award show she has hosted. The media personality and actress also revealed that Phil came through for them, not so long ago, when they shot her first feature film, The Honeymoon.

Other actors such as Zola Hashatsi, Sana Mchunu and Tumi Morake also spoke highly of the all rounder.

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