10 Things Social Media Ruined

Listen! We all love social media for different reasons, well at least most of us do. We can’t deny all the good it has brought into our lives and how easier it is now to promote, network, share opinion or stay in touch with loved ones. But a there’s also a big downside that comes with social media.
Here’s a look at things we wish we could still obtain and maintain in the presence of social media.
1. Contentment
Because of social media most young people are not content with the lives they have because of what they see on social media. They start comparing lifestyles with other kids which can lead to depression if you can’t afford it.
2. Decreased productivity
Social media can be so addictive; it can consume so much of time without you even noticing. If tyou can’t limit your social time then you need to evaluate your time
3. Restless
Social media will leave unwell and give you negative health and consequence.
4. Cyber Bulling
Now it’ even easier to bully someone because you don’t even need to be outside to attack the person, all they do is just sit behind a computer and make other people feel terrible about themselves.
5. Unhappy
There is a lot of pretended happy on social media. Not all those people on social media are truly happy. And because lives are different, and if you cannot realize that the people you admire online that’s not the reality of their life then you’ll be miserable about yours.
6. False Connection
Although it’s a great way of socializing and meeting new people, it shouldn’t also be taken seriously. Not everyone you meet on social media is who they say they are. Be careful on who you open to and pour your heart to, not everyone online is real; they might use that against you and left broken.
7. Loss of privacy
Social media if it’s personal not work related can tear up your privacy. Always think before you share. And be aware of who you let into your space. It can diminish to your personal life.
8. Isolation
Being on social media can lead to isolation, it can create virtual substitutes that still maintain emotional distance. Social media can reduce real human contact.
9. Focus
Have you ever noticed that if you into social media and you’re doing something important on your P.C you most likely to have many pages open?! The risk of multitasking your work with social media is you might forget what’s really important and get caught up with things that pass.
10. Reduces Learning and research capabilities
Social media is the new hobby, most people used to read, do researches and find a new thing they can learn but these days every spare minute is for social media. It has taken away so much and will affect our potentials.