Unathi On How Her Previous Weight Affected Her Self Esteem

Unathi On How Her Previous Weight Affected Her Self Esteem. Although its all in the past, her weight used to be a stumbling block to her. Just like many full figured women, Unathi struggled with self esteem. It was not easy for the media personality and singer more so since she is on the public eye.
She shared a throwback picture of herself and spoke about her struggles. “My self esteem was almost non existent even though I had to put on a facade working in the public eye,” she said.
Unathi has a banging body now thanks to being consistent in her work outs. “I am a different woman than I was in this pic. I knew my potential though and NEVER gave up. I NEVER HATED myself or spoke badly TO MYSELF along this journey. I am who I am today because I have ALWAYS been kind to myself. Be kind to yourself ALWAYS.”
If you are struggling with weight issues, you might wanna use Unathi’s advice. “Crush on yourself in every form and at every stage of your life. Because you are all you have and that will NEVER change. The body you journey in, on this planet and in this lifetime is the ONLY one you will have in this lifetime. Love it even if it’s not where you want it to be TODAY. Love it NOW.“