5 Lessons That Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha Have Taught Us

5 Lessons That Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha Have Taught Us. Today they serve couple goals and tomorrow it’s a totally different story altogether. Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha are definitely one of a kind. A few weeks ago the couple were taking each other to court over abuse and now they are doing shows together.
1. Mind Your Own Business
Their relationship might be on the public eye, but it is not for the public. This is one lesson that many have learnt. More so those who took sides when the two were ‘fighting’. Next time you hear drama about them, mind your own business.
2. There Are Always Three Sides To A Story
Both of them have come forth to the media to lay their side of the story. Babes calimed Mampintsha abused her both physically and emotionally. On his counter claim, Mampintsha also cries of being a victim to Babes’ abuse. Now that the two are together, no one knows for sure what the real story is.
3. Don’t Believe The Hype
Celebrities feed on publicity. The more there is news about them the more relevant they become. Babes and Mampintsha seem to love fame and making headlines. They somewhat create stories just for relevancy. It is wise to check facts before beang dragged on such mess.
4. Business and Pleasure Don’t Mix
The two are lovers and they also have business together. Every time they fight business suffers. It also looks like Mampintsha has control over Babes by virtue of him being her boss. Henceforth Babes is somewhat trapped, and can’t find and exit and stand alone both professionally and personally.
5. Each For Their Own
There are different strokes for different folks. What won’t work for you can work for someone else. Babes and Mampintsha seem content in their relationship. Some call it toxic and dangerous, they call it love.