Check Out How Celebs Stepped Out for the Joburg Polo in the Park
Check Out How Celebs Stepped Out for the Joburg Polo in the Park. This past Saturday, all roads led to the Polo Fields at Inanda Country Base. This was for the annual Standard Bank Joburg Polo in the Park prestigious event. The event is one of the notable signature lifestyle experiences South Africa has to offer that exudes glamour, opulence, class and all things magnificent.
The Standard Bank Joburg Polo in the Park is not only about POLO, but about the lifestyle and the entire trimmings and package that is part and parcel of the sport of kings. The event was hosted by the media personality and actress, Pearl Modiadie, who did a stellar job.
This year’s theme was AfroGlam, and the celebrities as well as the rest of attendees did not disappoint. The likes of Pearl, Khosi Twala, Natasha Joubert, Amanda duPont, Blue Mbombo as well as the Mthombenis, were among the best dressed. Check out how they stepped out from the pictures below, and draw some inspiration while at it.