Love Is In The Air: Pearl Modiadie Gloats About Her Man

Love Is In The Air: Pearl Modiadie Gloats About Her Man. This one is definitely for keeps. Pearl Modiadie is in love and not afraid to share. Normally celebs get all private with new relationship, but Pearl is so happy it’s worth sharing.
The media personality has all the reasons to love food. “Bae makes the most irresistible pasta dishes!! I thought I loved food, now I really love food,” she shared. A man who cooks is without a doubt, most women’s dream.
Pear hasn’t had much luck in relationships, and it is great to see her all happy. She was in an on an off relationship with singer Donald. Pearl was also engaged to fiancĂ© Nkululeko Buthelezi and called it off, twice. The pair got engaged in December of 2015. They broke it off and got back together, to call it off again at the beginning of last year.
We wish her nothing but the best in her new found romance. Love always wins at the end.