Pearl Thusi and Sello Maake KaNcube Face Backlash Over Their Current Visit to Zimbabwe

Pearl Thusi and Sello Maake KaNcube Face Backlash Over Their Current Visit to Zimbabwe. There is a trending picture on social media of Pearl Thusi and Sello Maake KaNcube seated with Zimbabwean president Emmerson Mnangagwa and other delegates. Most people in the picture are wearing a scarves in Zimbabwean flag colors.
As the elections are fast approaching, Zanu-PF has been running a fierce campaign. One way political parties campaign for new followers is by having high profile people at their events. The Zimbabwean ruling party has been hosting famous personalities, one of them being former world boxing champion Floyd Mayweather.
Now, judging from the trending picture, it looks like Sello and Pearl are the latest Zanu-PF guests. The two however, have not really been forthcoming about their reasons of visiting the neighboring country. On her Instagram page, Pearl shared what looks like vacation pictures. As for Sello, he shared a picture of himself and his wife, stating that the two took a shot left to the Victoria Falls.
The True Zimbabwe Journalists (Media) Tour recently paid a courtesy call on President Emmerson Mnangagwa at State House. Pearl, Sello and his wife as well as Sonia Mbele, were snapped having dinner with some of the powers that be at the event. They joined government officials, journalists and celebs from the SADC region who had all gathered for the True Zimbabwe Journalists Tour. Among those present was Mr Ndabaningi Nick Mangwana, the Permanent Secretary of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services.
This has caused havoc on social media, with many not happy about the South African celebs hanging with some Zimbabwean ruling party members. They called out Pearl and Sello, saying they are sell-outs who can be bought with anything.