With Over 20 Years of Being A Vegetarian and Sober, Sorisha Naidoo Preaches Health Habits

With Over 20 Years of Being A Vegetarian and Sober, Sorisha Naidoo Preaches Health Habits. There is a saying that we are what we eat. Quite frankly, what we eat contribute immensely to our overall health. Our lifestyles determine our health.
One person we could all learn from is Sorisha Naidoo. The reality show star, actress and businesswoman, looks way younger than she actually is. The reason behind that is plain simple, Sorisha is health conscious. She has just revealed that she she has been a vegetarian for over 20 years. This is not all, she has also not bee smoking, nor taking alcoholic beverages. Most recently Sorisha has stayed away from chocolates or chips, and gives preference only to dark chocolate.
It’s time to make the change, look inside, be kind, be happy, be mindful…let’s start making healthier decisions, decisions from the heart and less from the head. One of my first and last drinks over 25years ago was given to me by someone who wanted me to never drink, it was a Carling Black label and Sambuca Liquorice, it was my first and last. Also tried a puff of a cigarette and knew instantly it was not the life for me,” Sorisha shared her experience.
She also urged others to take care of their bodies, “Take care of your bodies, it is carrying a precious soul, treat it with love and divine energy. Over the next few weeks let’s try to be more respectful of what we put into our body. Love you.“