Pearl Thusi Remembers Her Late Mother In A Touching Tribute

Pearl Thusi Remembers Her Late Mother In A Touching Tribute. For most people, it doesn’t matter how long ago their mother passed on, the impact still feels fresh. This is because a mother’s love can never be replaced, and one person who knows that very well is Pearl Thusi.
As much as her mom passed away over 18 years ago, Pearl still battles with grief, and what she is going through is understandable.
The talented actress, media personality and entrepreneur, recently celebrated her birthday, surrounded by friends, family and loved ones. Remembering her mother in one of the posts she shared, Pearl revealed that her mom was big on birthdays, and it would make her sad if she stopped celebrating them.
“I make a serious thing about celebrating my birthday lately because it would make her sad to think that I didn’t anymore…
She loved making that a special day for us and I knew it broke her heart on times when she really couldn’t,” Pearl said.
She also penned a note to her mother, opening up about the deepest connection they still have, despite her not being alive.
“Hey Ma…
Happy birthday to me.
Coz I’m living for you.
And I’m sorry that the day I was born is the same day I have to face that there will never be another day where I can show you the love I still have for you.
No matter how hard I could pray.“
She further went on to promise that she will love her two daughters, be there for ever woman, and love as much as she could, just for her mother. Although Pearl comes across as a very strong woman, she admits that, she is silently harsh to herself, something she hides very well.
So I’ll love my two girls for you
Support every woman I can for you.
Love myself as hard as I can for you.
Even when it means hurting myself.
Because every woman I can save
Means I did my best to save you.
When I didn’t have the chance to.
Because you never made it look like you needed saving.
And if I don’t need to prove to you
How I feel about every year since losing you.
Prove to myself that I miss you.
That I knew and loved you.
That I was worth every sacrifice you made.
Why am I so silently harsh to myself.
Why do I create impossible standards for myself.
Why am I so hard on myself?
And why do I hide it so well?
Oh shit.
That’s exactly what you did to yourself.