How Sweet! J Something Pens His Wife A Beautiful Poem

How Sweet! J Something Pens His Wife A Beautiful Poem. We have all seen J Something love his wife beautifully over the years. From cute shout outs, milestone celebrations, to just appreciating Cordelia Coco Godi, J Something is that ideal husband.
The Mi Casa front man, TV personality, chef and author, always uses such milestones like birthdays and anniversaries to gush over his wife. These kind of gestures might look like nothing, but they keep the fire burning in relationships. So far J Something has expressed his love for Coco in a song, in a love letter, and most importantly face to face.
Taking things a notch up, J Something has executed another creative way to melt Coco’s heart. He has penned a poem, declaring the deep love feelings he has for his beautiful wife. The poem came about as the couple are on a romantic getaway in Sun City. This is definitely going to be a baecation for the books.
“You’re the queen I’m the lucky king.
Got us a Palace got you the ring.
You brought me love you Brought me light.
Theres so much peace when I’m by your side.
So Let’s enjoy these couple of days.
You know Sun City is a special place.
I won some awards I’ve done some shows,
But here is the gift … I’m the one you chose!
Beijo meu amor. És a minha vida.
This July, J Something and Coco are looking at 12 years of being together. The couple has been married for almost eight years, but everyday for them feels like a honeymoon. They are an inspiration to those who are afraid of taking the next step, with the fear that marriage changes relationships. One can still play around, and more over, be romantic as a spouse.