Dineo Ranaka Opens Up About Suffering Severe Chronic Depression

Dineo Ranaka Opens Up About Suffering Severe Chronic Depression. A couple of weeks back, Dineo Ranaka had the whole counts worried with her Instagram posts. It is such a great relief now, to see her back on social media sharing how much better she is doing.
On her Instagram posts, the media personality, producer, entrepreneur and DJ, revealed she was going through the most. Dineo set off the alarms as she shared how she has been battling with some suicidal thoughts. Dineo also added that she now understood why people commit suicide. She added that she was trying hard not to take her own life. Since sharing those posts, Dineo took a break from social media.
Concerned friends, family members, colleagues as well as fans, flooded the comments section with comforting and uplifting messages. Immediately after that, her employer Kaya FM, came up with a Stand-In-Lineup, while she worked out her personal battles. Sizwe Dhlomo now stands in on 959 Breakfast from 06h00 – 09h00 every weekday morning. The seasoned broadcaster is joined by Sol Phenduka on traffic, as well as the news and sports team.
It seems like Dineo is on her road to recovery, as she updated her fans and followers on her diagnosis. She started off by thanking everyone who called, texted, prayed and send her well wishes. Dineo then gave an update about her current state of health. She states that she has been physically sick for a little over two months, and now she knows what the problem has been.
“I’ve recently been diagnosed with Severe Chronic Depression… I feel like I need to allow myself to re-introduce myself to MYSELF because I’ve been a high functioning person with depression. And this is dangerous! VERY DANGEROUS!“
“What a relief!! My symptoms have been in-sleep seizures, trouble waking up, trouble controlling my bladder, confusion, thoughts of harming myself, trouble with energy to do anything, and meaningful deep empathy/sympathy with those that have taken their lives,” Dineo said.
Although she is going through the most, Dineo is quite confident that she will be healed. She believes depression is curable, and with the faith she has in herself, she will pull through. As for being suicidal, Dine explains that previously that was the case, but not now. She also empathizes with those that have committed suicide, because the ultimate symptom of depression is suicide.
She is thus taking time to herself to sort out the messes in different areas of her life.
“A day at a time right
PS: It doesn’t matter who believes you. Your truth is your truth. DO THE WORK to get well
Remember: DEPRESSION IS CURABLE,” she concluded.