Former Idols SA Star Sneziey Msomi Announces Her Pregnancy
Former Idols SA Star Sneziey Msomi Announces Her Pregnancy. Another celebrity baby is on the way. Sneziey Msomi has announced that she is about to be a first time mom, and we are here for her great news.
Taking to Instagram the former Idols SA Top 2 finalist, musician and influencer shared pictures showing off her cute bump. Judging from her glow and her husband’s wide smile, it goes without saying that this is a great time for the family.
The journey to motherhood has not been an easy one for Sneizy though. She has revealed that she went through miscarriages, an ectopic pregnancy which left her with one Fallopian tube, fibroids in her womb and in the placenta. These challenges obviously decreases the chance of conception for women going through them. The good news for Sneizy is that she managed to overcome them, and now she is a mom-to-be.
“When the time is right,I the Lord will make it happen” Isaiah 60:22
….I’ve seen God pull through for others but I had never thought I’d one day share the same sentiments when it comes to such🥺 after so much hardship, pain, insults and expectations God said “for MY NAMESAKE, I’ll wipe your tears and everyone will ask themselves HOW”
Well after Miscarriages, Ectopic Pregnancy now with no Fallopian Tubes, Fibroids in my womb and a BIG one in the placenta NGENZELWA UMUSA NAMI NGAPHIWA IGAMA LOKUBA UMAMA🥺,” she said.
Se has overcome all of this, and can’t wait to meet her bundle of joy.