Celeb News

Dineo Ranaka’s Siblings Pull Through to Support Her

Dineo Ranaka’s Siblings Pull Through to Support Her. The Ranakas are one of South Africa’s most loved families. Through their reality show, they have shown us that they are relatable, and have the same problems that most black families have. At the end of the day, they manage to get back together as a tight family.

Currently one member of the family, Dineo Ranaka is going through the most. A couple of days ago, the media personality producer and entrepreneur opened up about her suicidal thoughts. In a series of alarming Instagram posts, Dineo stated that she now understands people who take their own lives. She also added that she is trying so hard not to commit suicide, although her life at the moment is hard.

Everyone who follows Dineo’s life knows that the past three years have been difficult for her. Among other things, she went through divorce, after she reportedly suffered abuse at the hands of her ex-husband. Dineo also made news for a couple of negative things including not paying an influencer, being suspended at METRO FM as well as her work relationship with co-host at Kaya FM, Sol.

When a celebrity goes through such challenges, social media has no mercy. The individual gets dragged, as they trend on various platforms. Dineo was no exception, as a lot of people made fun of her misfortunes. Although she appears to be strong, she is human at the end of the day.

The great thing is that Dineo is now receiving the much needed support. Her siblings, among them Manaka and Ranaka, are leading the way with messages of encouragement.

Brothers should always be a phone call away,” Ranaka said.

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