
Gayton McKenzie Claps Back at Mmusi Maimane Over His Comment About Convicted Criminals Governing Johannesburg

Gayton McKenzie Claps Back at Mmusi Maimane Over His Comment About Convicted Criminals Governing Johannesburg. One thing about politics, you have to play a dirty game to beat the opponent. From attacking someone’s personal life to using their past as a debating point, anything goes.

Just recently a picture of resigning Johannesburg Mayor Thapelo Amad, Premier of Gauteng Panyaza Lesufi, president of the Patriotic Alliance political party Gayton McKenzie and ANC Greater Johannesburg Regional Secretary Sasabona Manganye, trended on social media. A number of opinions were thrown around about the picture, with most tweeps just making fun of the gentlemen.

Mmusi Maimane, a businessman, and leader of Build One South Africa political party also had a say on the picture. The vocal politician said the country cannot have convicted criminals governing the City of Johannesburg. He likened that to allowing an alcoholic to run an outlet like Tops, which sells alcoholic beverages.

Not so many people were impressed with Maimane’s take on the picture, including Gayton himself. He first cleared the air, saying he is not running for Johannesburg Mayor position anymore. As a convicted bank robber, who has now turned businessman and a leader, he feels Maimane is not behaving like a Pastor. Gayton added that he feel sorry for those who Maimane preaches to, as the man does not believe that someone’s life cannot be turned around.

I am not in the race 4 Joburg Mayor anymore, usually I wouldn’t mind such a comment but it coming from a Pastor makes me feel sorry 4 the people that you share the Word of God with, you are basically saying that the Blood of Christ has no power 2 change my life, it lost its power,” Gayton said.

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