Rheinmettal Denel Munition: Engineering Graduate / Internship Programme 2017

Closing Date: 30 September 2016
Reference: RDMInternship2017
Rheinmettal Denel Munition offers a 12 month Workplace Experience Opportunity to Top Performers in the below mentioned Fields. RDM aims to provide skills development and work exposure for young graduates who do not have work experience in order that they may be able to increase their chances of being employable and participate on our country’s economic growth.
- South African citizen
- has not failed any subjects and attained a good academic average
- Passion for the aerospace and defence industry
Opportunities offered in the following fields of study:
- B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering
- B.Eng. Chemical Engineering
- B.Eng. Electrical Engineering
- B.Eng. / M.SC Industrial Engineering
- BSC Electronic Engineering
How to Apply
To apply, please forward your CV ,latest full academic record and Copy of ID to: Human Resources Department, by email: [email protected]
Should you not hear from us by the end of December kindly consider your application as unsuccessful
Rheinmetall Denel Munition is an international company fulfilling the requirements of Employment Equity. Preference will be afforded to suitable candidates who add to the diversity of the company.