Applications Open For The NRF Internship programme 2021

Applications Open For The NRF Internship programme 2021. The Graduate Internship Programme supports interns to receive training and work experience in all areas of Science, Engineering, Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities.
Objectives of The Programme:
- Provide bachelors graduates with work experience, while pursuing part-time honours studies, within the broader Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) disciplines, as well as the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS);
- Establish a pool of skilled honours graduates for the private and public sector, including universities and research institutions;
- Effect transformation in the proportional representation of honours graduates from designated groups viz. black, female, financially needy and persons with disabilities; and
- Support postgraduate training to meet the specific needs of the country in partnership with the higher education system and industry.
Eligibility Criteria for Applicants:
- Be South African citizens in possession of a valid South African Identity Document (ID);
- Have completed a bachelor’s degree in any SET, HSS or related disciplines prior to commencement of the internship;
- Have obtained a minimum of 65% for major subjects in the final undergraduate year of study;
- Intending to pursue honours studies over the two-year internship;
- Students intending to pursue full-time honours programmes will only be eligible if all lectures and practical sessions are held in the late afternoon and/or on weekends. Applicants must provide a timetable and letter of support from Faculty Deans confirming that the structure of the honours programme is conducive to being undertaken simultaneously with the internship programme.
- Have been funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) or the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) for their bachelor’s degree; and
- Be 27 years of age or younger on 31 December of the year of application for the Graduate Internship
Candidates NOT Eligible to Apply:
- Candidates who have not previously been funded by the NSFAS or ISFAP for their bachelor’s degree;
- Candidates who intend to register for a postgraduate diploma qualification; Page 7 of 13
- Candidates who hold a National Diploma; a bachelor honours, BTech or master’s degree; as well as those who are studying towards a master’s degree;
- Previous beneficiaries of the DST-NRF Internship Programme; and
- Students registered for the second year of their honours studies in 2021.
How to Apply
The information provided on the link below will guide you through the application process. Please read to understand before applying.
Apply Online for the NRF: Graduate Internship programme 2021
Closing Date: 10 September 2020