Amanda du-Pont Leaves Many Shocked Over How Her Surname Is Pronounced

Amanda du-Pont Leaves Many Shocked Over How Her Surname Is Pronounced. We learn everyday, don’t we! A lot of people know Amanda du-Pont as a Swazi-born South African actress, model television personality and entrepreneur. There is more to that though.
Her surname Dupont, variously styled as DuPont, duPont, Du Pont, or du Pont is a French surname. It means “of the bridge”, historically indicating that the holder of the surname resided near a bridge. Most people obviously pronounce this name, the way it is written and that is the correct English way. However, for a French speaking person, the last two words, which are n and t are silent, hence it sounds like, Dupo.
Amanda recently took to Instagram where she spoke about her first ever masterclass being live and available to purchase on My Mastery TV. She shared a video, in which she mentioned her name in full. Instead of concentrating on the message and her good news, many were taken aback y how Amanda pronounced her last name. She chose the French way, leaving many of her followers asking questions.
Check out how some have reacted to how Amanda pronounces her surname from the comments below;