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Vusi Thembekwayo Opens A Can of Worms Giving Apartheid Government Credit

Vusi Thembekwayo Opens A Can of Worms With His Take On Apartheid. You do not have to have lived during apartheid years to know how cruel the system was. Black people, are the race that went through it all during that time.

Pass laws and apartheid policies prohibited Blacks from entering urban areas without immediately finding a job. It was illegal for a Black person not to carry a passbook. Black people could not marry white people, and they could not set up businesses in white areas. Everywhere from hospitals to beaches was segregated. Education was also restricted.

Although the South Africa gained independence in 1994, life is not what many hoped it would be like. With a number of Black leaders we have had, citizens still complain about a lot of things. Black people as the majority race, still suffer the most. They are hit the most by poverty, poor health services, poor quality education, unemployment rate, criminal activities among others.

Are things as bad as they were for Blacks during the segregation of races? Weighing in on the issue, Vusi Thembekwayo took to Twitter to share his views. The successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker agrees that apartheid was a crime against humanity, but gives the system credit for being incredible capable.

Fact: Apartheid was a crime against humanity. Also a fact: the Apartheid state machinery was incredibly capable. BOTH OF THOSE THINGS CAN BE TRUE AT ONCE. Don’t be so keen to be offended that you miss blatant truths, Vuyo said.

Well, as expected his views did not sit well with a lot of Twitter users. They want him to name the things that the apartheid government was capable of. Below are some of the hectic responses from Vusi’s tweet.

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