Nonku Williams Hands Over 9 Houses to 9 Families

Nonku Williams Hands Over 9 Houses to 9 Families. Philanthropic works is one of the things that most of our celebrities are known for. They always come through to help the less fortunate in the society, something we are really proud of.
The latest personality who has helped her community a great deal is Nonku Williams. Most know her as the no nonsense taker on the Real Housewives of Durban reality show. On the show, Nonku is never afraid to voice her opinions, and she is also known for her love for finer things in life.
There is still more though, to know about Nonku. The reality show star and entrepreneur is compassionate and has a heart of Gold. Through her company Lukuye Developments, Nonku has just donated a total of nine houses to nine families in need. These houses has definitely brought both the smiles and dignity to the these families and to the community at large.
This is a big project, and Nonku needed help here and there. She credits Calven Robinson, as one of those who helped the project materialize. Robinson, from Bluff Meat Supply sponsored with furniture and he also donated meat packs to the families. Robinson is the husband of her best friend and fellow Real Housewives of Durban participant, Jojo Robinson.
“Nothing gives me more satisfaction than helping those that are less fortunate. Today we handed over 9 units we built in the last 2 family in particular had lost their parents in a fire and only kids were left homeless…we as Lukuye Developments together with Calven from bluff meats supply had an opportunity to sponsor furniture and Bluff meat supply sponsored meat packs for the 10 families. Deepest gratitude to @calvenrobinson for your kind heart,” Nonku said.