Tweeps Weigh In On Miss SA Ndavi Nokeri’s National Costume

Tweeps Weigh In On Miss SA Ndavi Nokeri’s National Costume. This is one particular costume that many are always looking forward to see at such kinds of pageants. This is because the National Costume say a lot about the country’s culture, and sets it above other states.
We are only counting hours before our reigning Miss South Africa, Ndavi Nokeri takes on the Miss Universe stage on the 14th of January 2023 in New Orleans, USA. This past December, the beauty queen showed off the dresses she will wear as she contest for the ultimate crown. One of those dresses she presented was the National Costume.
Ndavi decided to use the National Costume as an opportunity to pay homage to her Tsonga heritage. She did exactly that with an eye catching colorful Tsonga inspired dress. She also represented Africa with the dress, that has wings decorated with all the African countries’ maps.
“From the very beginning of my Miss South Africa journey, I always wanted people to know that I was standing for Tsonga people because growing up as a child I felt as if we were under-represented. At the same time, we’ve incorporated the fact that I’m South African and African; this is so beautiful because I’ve come to learn that as Africans we are more alike than we are different thanks to our shared experiences and values. It is a proud moment for me to make all Africans feel seen, understood and represented,“ Ndavi said at the dress unveiling ceremony.
Now that the dress has been revealed, the nation has that opportunity to share their views. Many feel more should have been done to make the dress look South African, as well as represent the Tsonga culture.
That million Rand xibhelani was unavailable?
— Mme a Masakona (@FloMasebe) January 12, 2023
Every year. The Miss SA designers are always on meth
— 🇯🇲 (@_afro_politan) January 12, 2023
Also, Ndavi’s is not the first. Miss SA has never invested in that part of the competition, they always get the girls the most hideous rubbish as costumes. Miss SA is literally one of the Top 5 pageants in the world and yet they can’t budget for a well executed national costume
— Moe Suttle (@moesuttle) January 13, 2023
Miss SA’s hairstyle and dress for the Miss Universe competition is a true reflection of what’s happening in this country.
— Princess 👸🏽 (@Sisi_Sasha) January 13, 2023
I don't get why ya'll are mad because it's not like Miss SA has delivered amazing national costumes before…this might even be their best work on recent years.
And having the Best National costume is not gonna get a placement in the finals.
— Josh Levi Stan!!! (@shiningstar_290) January 12, 2023
People having a problem with Miss SA’s national costume is wild. What is a costume guys? COSTUME!
I don’t see anything wrong. Maybe people wants Ndavi to wear a ball gown all the way 🤷🏽♀️
— Yaya Mavundla (@YayaRSA) January 12, 2023
looking at the comments under Ndavi's costume for MU, i cannot wait for her to prove y'all wrong 😭😭 y'all behaved like this with uZozibini but when she won all of a sudden she was the best Miss SA and MU and no one could EVER replace her. niyadika.
— Jenny Curran (@Mbukwase_) January 12, 2023