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Redi Tlhabi On Reports That JJ Tabane Finds It Upsetting Being Compared to Her

Redi Tlhabi On Reports That JJ Tabane Finds It Upsetting Being Compared to Her. There are among the most powerful journalists in the country. Both JJ Tabane and Redi Tlhabi are respected in their work, and many of their peers look up to them.

A year ago, Redi joined the BBC News World, where she presents global news, current affairs including conducting compelling interviews. This cool job sees Redi living the life traveling the world. Tabane has also been making major moves as a media personality and entrepreneur. He is known for conducting powerful interviews with leaders and prominent personalities.

Recently Tabane was a guest on the Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh Xperience (SMWX) podcast. The podcast does interviews, analysis and a splash of music, on the issues that matter in South Africa. The host Sizwe caught up with Professor Tabane, the host of Power to Truth. They talked about his interview with President Ramaphosa, the guests on his show, the current state of the country, and more.

Among the issue that rose up was the comparisons that normally happens to individuals in the same field. Tabane made it clear that people in his field should be authentic, and be themselves as opposed to trying to imitate those who came before them. Giving examples, he mentioned Redi and Deborah Patta, who are a force in the industry.

One social media user shared the clip on Twitter, with a caption that Tabane is upset to be compared to the ladies. Well, although it looks as if he was quoted out of context, Redi clapped back, adding that she is also very upset about the comparison.

That IS upsetting..I am also VERY upset,” Redi said.

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