Ranked By Province: Housebreaking Statistics In SA

Housebreaking and robbery are the most feared crimes in the country, according to the 2012 Victims of Crime Survey released by Stats SA in Pretoria. I could understand why, one’s fears move from things being taken while you’re sleeping to worrying about your family members etc. So much could happen in a Housebreaking, rape, murder and other malicious behaviours could happen during a Housebreaking.
I guess the easiest way of not getting caught when it comes to theft is going the route of Housebreaking. The stats speak for themselves as to how common the crime is and what area’s are targeted most.
Ranked By Province from highest to lowest here are the statistics for Housebreaking in South Africa.
1. Gauteng- Reported Cases 67913
Gauteng with it’s many fancy house comes in at number 1 of course. The disheartening part is that when your house is broken into, the cops come over cool. They take prints, blood samples if the intruders cut themselves in the process of stealing your appliances and that’s about as far the investigation goes, unsolved.
Funny enough recently 3 intruders were arrested after breaking into musician Lira’s house not so long along, how the justice system works never stops to amaze one.
The top 3 worst precincts in Gauteng are:
2. Western Cape- Reported Cases 50161
Where the mother city is found and the riches are made in most cases. This is also not surprising. This list basically shines some light on the areas you want to live in.
The top 3 worst precincts in Western Cape are:
Mitchell’s Plain
3. KwaZulu-Natal- Reported Cases 43362
Surprisingly the worst places are not Durban central, well that’s because there aren’t many residential areas around central.
The top 3 worst precincts in KwaZulu-Natal are:
4. Eastern Cape- Reported Cases 24328
The top 3 worst precincts in Eastern Cape are:
5. Mpumalanga- Reported Cases 18600
The top 3 worst precincts in Mpumalanga are:
6. Limpopo- Reported Cases 17236
Even the cops of Limpopo do the crime. Two Limpopo police officers arrested for housebreaking and business robbery in separate cases will apply for bail in the Lephalale and Tshilwavhusiku magistrate’s courts respectively on Tuesday.
It is alleged that Constable Johannes Mashitiso, together with five other suspects, robbed a liquor store. They allegedly broke down a door, as well as part of the wall, and stole liquor estimated at R15 000.
Another police officer, Azwinndini Makuya, will apply for bail at the Tshilwavhusiku magistrate’s court. He allegedly stole tree cutting machines and a truck battery from a shop
The top 3 worst precincts in Limpopo are:
7. North West- Reported Cases 15434
The top 3 worst precincts in North West are:
8. Northern Cape- Reported Cases 6027
The top 3 worst precincts in Northern Cape are:
9. Free State- Reported Cases 993
The top 3 worst precincts in Free State are:
Park Road