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Comparison Between Tyla and Thuso Mbedu’s Accents Sparks Online Debate

Comparison Between Tyla and Thuso Mbedu’s Accents Sparks Online Debate. Instead of celebrating the two young women, who have managed to tap in the international market, many are now on their accent. Thuso Mbedu and Tyla, are not trending for their amazing talents, but rather for how each sounded on their respective interviews.

Thuso has bagged a number of international interviews, ever since she moved to the US. The multi-award winning actress has been interview by Hollywood giants such as Oprah Winfrey, Trevor Noah and Ellen DeGeneres on their shows. Speaking with Ellen, the award winning actress gushed over her role on Amazon Prime Video series, The Underground Railroad. Thuso plays the character of Cora Randall, a young woman who escapes the Georgia plantation where she has spent her entire life in bondage. She made history with this role as the first South African actress to lead an American television series.

Despite all the achievements she spoke about on the Ellen Show interview, what stood out was Thuso’s twang. Some attacked her for the America accent, whereas others had no problem as she is now a global citizen making a mark in the international scene.

Recently Tyla, who is making waves internationally booked herself an interview on Jenifer Hudson’s show. The music sensation, spoke about her music, the South African culture, her Grammy nomination among many things. People were impressed by how she spoke the Colored accent, on such a big platform. Tyla was thus praised, and sadly compared to Thuso and Trevor Noah.

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