Celeb News
Khanyi Mbau Celebrates Her Mother With a Heartfelt Birthday Shout Out
Khanyi Mbau Celebrates Her Mother With a Heartfelt Birthday Shout Out. “Here’s to Strong Women: May We Know Them. May We Be Them. May We Raise Them.” True to the saying, it takes a very strong woman, to raise a successful girl child. Most of our strong female celebrities were raised by single mothers, and they turned out to be inspirational women.
Khanyi Mbau is one such women. No matter what the media or the general public say about her, she always manages to rise about the odds, and remains a force in the industry. Khanyi was raised by her mother, Lynette Sisi Mbau, who worked in the finance department of the pension fund at Barclays Bank. Her late father, Menzi Mcunu, was not married to her mother at the time as the couple were only dating.
Being a mother herself, the celebrated media personality, actress, reality show star, musician and entrepreneur has always respected her mother for the sacrifices she made to give the actress a better life. Today, Mama Lynette is celebrating her birthday, and Khanyi seized the opportunity to celebrate her. Penning a heartfelt shout out, Khanyi refereed to her beautiful mother as her strength and love of her life. She also wished her many more years to come.
“To my strength and the love of my life, happy birthday mommy ❤️🥂🍰 more life mama,” Khanyi said.
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