David Tlale Responds to Sexual Assault Allegations

David Tlale Responds to Sexual Assault Allegations. Another A-list celebrity finds themselves at the centre of hectic sexual assault allegations. David Tlale is trending on both mainstream and social media after one of his former employee alleged he drugged and raped him.
Zack, who worked with Tlale at African Fashion International three years ago, detailed on Instagram over the week how he was allegedly sexually violated and exploited by the award winning designer. The fashion aspirant who was 21 years old at the time, claims David formed a friendship with him under the guise of being a mentor.
“I was charmed and inspired by him. A role model to me at the time, and to cut the long story short, he drugged and sexually abused me, he then exploited me of my skills during the pandemic. He would ask I write him pressers, sponsorship proposals and other strategies/copy, promise to pay me, often in clothing but wouldn’t actually, and when I’d remind him, he’d get defensive and gaslight me,” Zack posted on Instagram account.
This is the time that Zack was most vulnerable, since he was about two weeks out of rehab and unemployed. He also stated that David took sexually assaulted him, something that has not set well with so many social media users.
“It took me almost 2 years to realise that I didn’t deserve any of that. To fully understand that it was in fact sexual assault. That I was taken advantage of and just how pure my intentions were. I was young, fragile,” Zack further added.
David has been mum about the allegations for quite some time, but now he has decided to clear his name. He states that the allegations are categorically false and seek to cause him serious harm.