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“It’s Scary,” Tony Kgoroge On Playing Dead

“It’s Scary,” Tony Kgoroge On Playing Dead. On Monday evening episode, Imbewu fans were left shattered when one of their favorite characters died. Zimele “Ngcolosi” Bhengu who is played by Tony Kgoroge. Zimele was shot down while in his car, and he died in hospital.

Imbewu made this particular episode look so real, that many of the viewers were touched to the core. It was a heartbreaking moment when the machines had to be switched off, and Zimele succumbing to his injuries. Does this mean the character is gone for good? We remain to see.

Kgoroge has quite an impressive CV when it comes to acting. The veteran actor and director has been on major movies like, Invictus (2009), Blood Diamond (2006) and Hotel Rwanda (2004). He has also been on major TV shows like Isidingo, Soul City, Tarzan Deafening Silence Young Vision, Gazlam and Dark Angles.

As someone with vast experience, Kgoroge notes that playing dead is not an easy thing. This comes after some people noticed that his eye was moving while playing the dead Zimele.

Dude it’s scary to play dead,” Kgoroge said.

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