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Social Media Users React to a Video of Primary School Kids Singing They Hate Kelly Khumalo

Social Media Users React to a Video of Primary School Kids Singing They Hate Kelly Khumalo. Trending among Twitter trends today is Kelly Khumalo. She did not do or say anything, but a viral video has people talking about her.

Of recent Kelly has been making headlines on both the mainstream media and social media. Well, this is mainly because of two things, the on going Senzo Meyiwa murder trial as well as season III of her reality show, Life with Kelly Khumalo. A lot of people who follow the trial feel she know who killed her late baby daddy, Senzo. Among those include high profile people such as musician and producer Chicco Twala as well as EFF leader Julius Malema.

In her show, the multi-award winning songstress, actress and reality show star opened a can of worms when she revealed that Senzo became known after he associated himself with her as a brand. Kelly also said Senzo’s family did not like him, but only wanted his money turning him into their cash cow. Of course these kind of statements made her trend.

Despite constantly being dragged on social media, Kelly has never folded. Instead she continues to live her life as well as put much focus on her music. Well, we not sure if she will survive this recent attack, because it comes form young kids. There is a trending video online, where primary school kids are singing a song with lyrics that they hate Kelly Khumalo.

Social media users are divided over this video. To some it is another form of entertainment and they can’t stop laughing. Others on the other hand are not impressed. To them it is disappointing that young kids as those can be taught hate.


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