Dineo Ranaka Shares the Kind of Relationship She Has With Two of Her Baby Daddies

Dineo Ranaka Shares the Kind of Relationship She Has With Two of Her Baby Daddies. The most beautiful thing that exes can do for their children is to successfully co-parent. As difficult as this may seem a lot of people are excelling as co-parents, despite them not being couples anymore.
One such is Dineo Ranaka, who never shies away from speaking her mind despite the backlash she always receives. The talented media personality, reality show star and producer has got three baby daddies, two of which she has a great relationship with. She took to WhatsApp where she updated her status over how much she loves them.
“I love my 1st baby daddies so much bathong. Such peaceful gents those ones. I’m blessed in variety of good male character traits there,” the message reads.
One of her exes, with who she has a child with is rapper Blacklez. It became evident back in April when Dineo launched her podcast, that she and her baby daddy were cool with each other. On the premier episode of the podcast, Dineo had a tell all open conversation and interrogation with Blaklez. During the iconic sit-down, the couple spoke about their failed relationship and what constituted it.
While so many people will judge her for that, Dineo is all about living this life the best way she knows how. She dropped pearls of wisdom when she stated that for a person to understand blended family things is only if they have top-tier vibrations to comprehend it.
“Blended family things that are way beyond the understanding of your basic human being! You need to be at top-tier vibrations to comprehend this sort of content 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🕯🤍🙏🏽 it’s so easy to respect them, their ways and their lives,” Dineo said.