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Bonang Matheba Leaves Her Critics Eating Humble Pie

Bonang Matheba Leaves Her Critics Eating Humble Pie. She has been trending on social media for a few days now. Part of the reason for people to be talking about Bonang Matheba is her recent partnership with beauty brand Nivea.

Her partnership with Nivea came about after she asked her followers on Twitter what they used to keep their skin luminous in Winter. Many suggested that the multi-award winning media personality try out the new Nivea Luminous630 range. After Bonang saw the product does wonders for other people, she decided to try it out, and she has taken her followers on a journey of herself and the beauty skin range.

Being the smart business minded woman she is, Bonang got into a partnership with Nivea to push the product. What many did not like though, was the fact that Bonang had a perfect face beat when she advertised the new Nivea Luminous630 range. Fans felt they were taken in for a ride, and sold dreams when it comes to the beauty range in question.

Knowing Bonang, she did not waste her time trying to justify what was going on, but rather let her work do the talking. She has just silenced her critics with a new video, which shows off her make up free face, before trying on the product.

“I’m convinced that the #Luminous630 works, so my darling B-Force I’m starting this journey with you & @niveasouthafrica. Here’s to day 1. Lets!” Bonang captioned the post.

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Her fans, known as the B Force, are happy on how Bonang handled the whole situation.


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