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10 Times Kelly Khumalo and Wanda Baloyi Served Us Epic Friendship Goals

10 Times Kelly Khumalo and Wanda Baloyi Served Us Epic Friendship Goals. Friendship goes beyond matching outfits, slaying together, partying together and spending too much time together. In most cases friendship is proven by how a person sticks by you even when you are going through the most difficult time of your life.

This is what we see between Kelly Khumalo and Wanda Baloyi. The two songstresses have been best friends for as long as we can remember, and have managed to be each other’s pillars of strength through the years. Their friendship started when they were part of a musicians group called Soul Fam, more than a decade ago.

Kelly and Wanda are now inseparable, and do almost everything together. Their closeness is undeniable, and very evident on Kelly’s reality show, Life With Kelly Khumalo, which is in it’s 4th season.

1. Dinner Dates

2. Celebrating Wins

Slay Queens

4. Ladies in Black

5. Costume Party Girls

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6. Unapologetic

7. Beach Girls

8. Living Soft

9. More Wins

10. Creating Memories

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