Sol Phenduka Makes a Major Comeback to Radio

Sol Phenduka Makes a Major Comeback to Radio. When it comes to the entertainment industry no decision is cast on stone. We have seen a number of our personalities go back to jobs they vowed they will never return to. Case in point is Sol Phenduka, who shared a year ago, that it will take a lot for him to come back to radio.
The talented radio personality and musician burst into the scene when he joined Yfm as an intern through the Y Academy Internship Program. Although he is massively talented, Sol found himself out of a job because of not being able to control his tongue. He made a comeback to the industry, when he joined Podcast and Chill with MacG.
On the show, Sol is a fan favorite thanks to his presenting skills, he is also famous for his funny puns. One Chiller, pointed out that Sol is underrated and could be one of the best contributors or co hosts for a Morning or drive time slots on radio. As much as this was a huge compliment, Sol wasn’t really keen about radio, because at the podcast he is more free.
“Agree with you, however, That train has left the station. Here on podcasting we do shit by our own rules, how we like. Also when shit hits the fan, there isn’t a program manager who is ready to drop the second shit get a too hot. The offer would have to be super amazing,” Sol said.
Well, it looks like Kaya 959 has made a great offer, because Sol has now joined the radio station. The move according to the radio station, is in line with the continuous repositioning the station has embarked on since 2021.