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Sithelo Shozi Starts a Petition to Be Protected From Her Baby Daddy #IStandWithSithelo

Sithelo Shozi Starts a Petition to Be Protected From Her Baby Daddy. When you thought things were messy between Sithelo Shozi and Andile Mpisane, then brace yourself for more drama. Things have just gotten worse between the former lovers.

A couple of weeks ago, Sithelo took to Instagram where she revealed that, Andile Mpisane, used to verbally and physically abuse her. The DJ and model further revealed that she was once beaten to a pulp causing her to miscarry in a room full of Andile’s family and friends. Well, just like any other case of this sort, some people believed Sithelo, while others were on her baby daddy’s side.

About a week ago, Sbahle Mpisane, who is Andile’s half sister fueled more drama when she shared her side of the story on a Twitter space Among other things, the fitness bunny questioned why an abuse case was never opened against her brother. She also hinted that Sithelo was unfaithful while dating Andile, but then backtracked.

In response to the whole Twitter space and her name being dragged like that Sithelo tweeted, “& then you wonder why I try so hard to protect my kids from this.

When we thought the issue would pass, and everyone moves on Sithelo has the attention of the nation again. She has just applied for a protection order against her former partner and the father of her children. Sithelo wants help to obtain a final protection order by having as many people as possible sign a petition.

She filed for a protection order against Andile, and the hearing for the granting of a final protection order against him will be heard on the 31st October 2022 at the Point Waterfront Magistrate’s Court.  Sithelo states that she lives in fear as the father of her children continues to threaten to kill her, and has now located where she and the kids stay.

My name is Sithelo Shozi. I am a mother of one boy and two baby girls, and I have been abused physically and emotionally, and am constantly intimidated by The father of my children……I have started this petition to plead for justice to prevail; for the protection order to be granted so that me and my children are safe,” Sithelo said.

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