Office Of The Public Service Commission: Internship Programme 2014 / 2015

The Office of the Public Service Commission would like to invite suitable Graduates who have completed their studies at institutions of higher learning to participate in Internship Programmes. The duration of the Internship Programmes is twelve (12) months. Interested and qualifying Graduates, who are currently unemployed and have never participated in an Internship Programme before, are invited to apply for the following Internship Programmes at the National Office.
Financial Management
Information Technology
Supply Chain Management and Security Services
Communication Information System
Human Resource Management and Development
- Unemployed youths aged between 18 and 35 years A clear credit record
- No criminal record
- CV
- Z83 Form
- Good interpersonal relations, organizing, problem solving and
- Good communication (verbal and written) skills
How to apply
Post to: The Director-General, Office of the Public Service Commission, Private Bag X121, Pretoria, 0001 or
Hand-deliver at: Ms A. West, Commission House, corner Hamilton and Ziervogel Streets, Arcadia.
Enquiries: Ms T. Leshaba / Ms M. Mahuma, Tel. (012) 352 1071 / (012) 352 1072