E.tv Prime Time Gets A Revamp

E.TV is getting revamped! After months of speculations the channel has finally announced the changes coming up on its Primetime in March. Viewers are in for a treat as the channel will bring locally inspired shows, telenovelas, local crime dramas and gritty rural dramas. Some of the biggest names on the South African television will have a new home on e.TV from ex Generations actor Patrick Shai to Nomzamo Mbatha.
Here’s the new shows’ list and the new time slots…
At 8pm Monday to Thursday there’s a brand new and much anticipated telenovela “Ashes to Ashes” starring the ex-generations actor Patrick Shai. Premiers on Monday the 2nd of March 2015.
On the same night of the 2nd of March at 9pm comes “Umlilo” a drama series tackling the hot topic of polygamy starring the gorgeous Nomzamo Mbatha.
Club 808: Make Some Noise has a new time slot, 6pm every Friday with the 8pm slot being taken by the first season of the Cape Town detective series starring Bonnie Henna “Traffic!” The series will only play once a week.
eNews’ Izindaba takes the 6:30pm weekly slot from Monday to Friday with the eNews English bulletin moving to 8:30pm. The popular series Rhythm City also has a new time slot, 7pm weekdays.
eKasi: Our Stories, season 6 moves to Tuesdays at 9pm. On 7April a new rural drama “Matatiele” takes this slot. The drama is based and shot on location in the Matatiele village, Eastern Cape.
“It is important to note that in the past five years South African television has had a commendable increase in the output of local content. e.TV aims to be at the forefront of this movement by not only introducing a high number of new and local genres, we have also improved story-telling, production and directing. This ensures that our content is competitive and I’m certain our viewers will enjoy the new Primetime schedule that has been in planning for a few years.” Said e.TV M.D. Monde Twala.