Kabelo Mabalane Unveils Cool Partnership as He Celebrates 20 Years of Sobriety

Kabelo Mabalane Unveils Cool Partnership as He Celebrates 20 Years of Sobriety. His story will go down history as one of the most inspirational. Most people are aware that Kabelo Mabalane, was once an alcoholic as well as drug user, who got in trouble every now and then. The great thing is that, he has since cleaned up his act, and is always available to those who need help.
Having been hooked since 1999, it was only in 2002 that the award winning musician, author, pastor and motivational speaker, decided enough was enough. Kabelo was into drinking, weed, ecstasy and cocaine. Through his story, he continues to inspire many young South Africans dealing with the same problem. Kabelo is now a responsible family man, married to Gail Mabalane with two beautiful kids.
This year, marks 20 years since he has been clean and sober. This is a big achievement, considering all the temptations that one come across, more so in the entertainment industry. To mark this milestone, Kabelo has partnered with Bavaria, to help those battling with alcohol addiction, somehow cope. Bavaria, has introduced beer that doesn’t have alcohol, so that recovering addicts can still have a taste of their favorite drink, without actually consuming alcohol.
“I’m celebrating 20 years CLEAN and SOBER this year ??????
If I can do it you can do it to!!
Those of you on the journey of recovery and sobriety keep working it because it works.
If you still keen for the beer taste, low calories and managing your consumption there’s always Bavaria 0,0%,” he announced.