Unathi Shares Her Side of the Story and Her Current Friendship Status with Sizwe Dhlomo

Unathi Shares Her Side of the Story and Her Current Friendship Status with Sizwe Dhlomo. As they say they are three sides to a story. Your side, the other person’s side, and then there is the truth. That is why it is very important to never make a conclusion based on just one version of events. You also need concrete evidence, so that whatever outcome you reach is fair, truthful and honest.
With that said, a lot of people have been calling on Unathi Nkayi to be cancelled, after what happened between her and former colleague, Sizwe Dhlomo. This was due to some allegations that Unathi accused Sizwe of verbal abuse and gender based violence. All this drama led to Kaya FM firing Unathi with immediate effect. The media personality and SA Idols judge, did not issue a statement pertaining the issue.
Meanwhile Sizwe took to Twitter to share some details about what went down. He stated that what was trending on social media was very true, and that he was saved by the recording that showed he did not in anyway attack Unathi. Sizwe tweeted that he had recordings of everything that transpired. Although the public hasn’t heard the recordings yet, people started dragging Unathi calling her all sorts of names.
As the dragging became too much, Unathi decided to speak up in a bid to clear her name. She stated that her silence was from the fact that Kaya FM, gave her a letter that she should not speak about the matter publicly. But now since GBV is at centre of the drama, Unathi is now speaking up.
“I’ve been silenced by Kaya, I received a letter stating I may not speak about the matter publicly because of the contractual agreements we all have as freelancers.
I was specifically told I can not use my platform to share my version of events, the only matter I will address because it is very important to me is the theme of Gender-based-violence (GBV) that keeps on it coming up,” she said on an Instagram video.
Unathi revealed that both of them had complaints against each other, and that she has submitted the matter against the radio station to her attorneys.
“For the record Sizwe and I, both submitted in writing allegations against each other, some founded and some found not to be from both of us. I have handed the matter against Kaya to my attorneys to handle legally,” Unathi added.
Their friendship has been ruined also, and this according to Unathi of Sizwe including her children on the matters of her failed marriage.
“Sizwe and I, not friends, I decided to distance myself from him the day he decided it was okay to say on air that my marriage failed because of the way I allow my children to prepare their mphokoqo (African salad).“