Social Media Reacts to the Death of Former President Frederick President FW de Klerk

Social Media Reacts to the Death of Former President Frederick President FW de Klerk. On another sad note South Africa mourns former President Frederick Willem de Klerk. FW de Klerk passed away at the age of 85. The former President served as State President from 1989 to 1994 and as Deputy President from 1994 to 1996.
The FW de Klerk Foundation announced that the former President died peacefully at his home in Fresnaye earlier on Thursday morning following his struggle against mesothelioma cancer. The foundation says that the family will, in due course, make an announcement regarding funeral arrangements.
Mr de Klerk shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Mr Mandela for leading the “miracle” transition from white rule in the country. His actions helped bring an end to apartheid-era South Africa, and he became one of the country’s two deputy presidents after the multi-party elections in 1994 that saw Mr Mandela become president. However, his role in the transition to democracy has always been highly contested.
Many black South Africans have blamed him for failing to curb violence during his time in power, while white extremists viewed his efforts to end apartheid as a betrayal.
FW de Klerk is survived by his wife Elita, his children Jan and Susan and his grandchildren.
Check out how social media has reacted to his death announcement.