Kenny Kunene Relaunches His Online News Site #AfricaNewsGlobal

Kenny Kunene Relaunches His Online News Site. Talk about Black Excellence! A few days ago, Kenny Kunene showed that he is a force to be reckoned with when he relaunched Africa News 24-7 as Africa News Global. The online news publication, underwent a re-brand that culminated in re-launch on August 26 2021, in Sandton.
“When we started AfricaNews24-7, we wanted to be the alternative voice. We were labelled fake news by our competitors. However, we instilled a culture of not being first with the news but being truthful with the news,” Kunene said.
Kunene also pointed out that their old website was efficient, hence they were able to provide consumers with news from current events with a user-friendly interface for easy usability. The goal at this stage is to improve their interface further with a new design and a better experience with more features,
The relaunch was attended by several ministers and other prominent figures in South Africa’s political landscape. Among those who came to support include staunch ANC member, Carl Niehaus, Minister of Social Development Lindiwe Zulu, Deputy Minister in the Presidency responsible for Intelligence Zizi Kodwa, Dr Danisa Baloyi, Adil Nchabeleng, Lebo Gunguluza and Percy Mphaho to mention just a few.
The channel which is the brainchild of former Citizen and Sunday Independent editor Steve Motale, and Kunene is the co-owner. Africa News 24-7 in 2017, and the duo wanted it to be the alternative voice. Businessman and politician, Kunene, is now the Chairman of Africa news global. His partner Motale, who has over 20 years of experience in journalism, has been appointed as the editor and would lead a young team of writers.
Congratulations are in order for the two, and e can’t wait to see what this channel has in store for the country.