Here are the Changes to Expect As the Country Moves to Adjusted Alert Level 2

Here are the Changes to Expect As the Country Moves to Adjusted Alert Level 2. Sunday evening Cyril Ramaphosa summoned the nation for another family meeting. This time around the President announced that the country will be moving from Level 3 lockdown regulations to adjusted alert level 2. The changes will tale place form Monday 13 September 2021.
Changes in restrictions on movement and gatherings for Adjusted Alert Level 2 include:
- Curfew reduced by one hour – the hours are now from 11pm to 4am;
- Restaurants, bars and fitness centres can now close at 10pm rather than 9pm;
- Indoor gatherings can now be for up to 250 people and outdoors gatherings can allow 500 people; and
- The sale of alcohol from retail outlets will now be permitted from 10am to 6pm from Monday to Friday and the sale of alcohol for on-site consumption will be permitted until 10pm.
This is great news to many people, particularly restaurant owners as well as their workers. Those who are in the alcohol industry also have a reason to smile since their trading hours have been extended. As the festive season approaches, a lot of people will now be able to have gatherings with their loved ones. Indoor and outdoor gatherings will see a bigger number of attendance.
As of yesterday, (Sunday 13th September), the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases identified in SA was recorded at 2 858 195 with 3 961 new cases reported. A total 126 deaths have been reported bringing the overall to 84 877 deaths. The cumulative number of recoveries now stand at 2 667 296 with a recovery rate of 93,3%.