“Doing Life With You Has Been Such a Gift,” J Something Gushes Over His Beautiful Wife

“Doing Life With You Has Been Such a Gift,” J Something Gushes Over His Beautiful Wife. This is a true definition of becoming one flesh. You can’t ask for anything more if your spouse is your support system, your best friend, your lover, basically your everything. Although many people no longer believe in the institution of marriage, there are those like J Something who are perfect examples that true love exists.
He and his wife Coco give us hope when so many marriages crumble in divorce. The two have been together for 10 years, and their love grows stronger everyday. J Something and Coco dated for a couple of years after which they crowned their union with a Lobola ceremony. In 2017, they had their son whom J Something chose to dedicate his book to. The award winning singer and author always says the nicest things about his beautiful wife on social media.
This time around he pointed out some of Coco’s greatest qualities among them, love. As much as they go through their own problems, J Something consider doing life with his wife a gift. We wish these two many more happy years together.
TO BE NEXT TO YOU! You my homie, Best friend, my lover.
Doing life with you has been such a gift! I’ve enjoyed exploring with you. The amount we have learnt by innocently approaching each day. A lot of it hasn’t been easy … but in perspective it’s been so unforgettable! ❤️ pic.twitter.com/vbcmnHONHY— JSOMETHING (@jsomethingmusic) September 10, 2021