Watch! TT Mbha Gets Robbed Daylight

Watch! TT Mbha Gets Robbed Daylight. Crime i this country is a serious cause for concern. Every minute there are reports of people getting robbed or mugged, and some of them even lose their lives while trying to protect their assets.
In February this year, award winning musician and TV personality, Dr Tumi mugged of his cellphone while he was still on a call. This is a common crime in the streets of SA, where an unsuspecting victim’s phone gets snatched while they are still making a call. The criminal, will then run to a getaway car, while you are still making sense of what happened. The normally target people walking around streets that are not busy, and those who are waiting for pick up cars in driveways. The moment you get distracted, they launch an attack, and just like that, you kiss your valuable phone goodbye in a flash!
TT Mbha has become the latest victim of this trend. This happened on Saturday while the property mogul and TV personality was busy on his phone. One guy came from behind and snatched the phone. While TT was still trying to make sense of what is happening, the guy escaped into a getaway car.
“This is how the bastards daylight robbed me whilst I was talking on my phone this past Saturday⚠️At least I took one for the team?Don’t say I didn’t warn you about ama vukuvuku⚠️ I definitely stood zero chance trying to run after them?,” he captioned the sad video.