Relebogile Mabotja On What She Battled With As A Nursing Mother

Relebogile Mabotja On What She Battled With As A Nursing Mother. From the moment she announced her pregnancy, Relebogile Mabotja has been excited about motherhood. Even after giving birth, she still shares beautiful milestones of herself and son.
Here and there in the journey, Relebogile encountered some challenges though. One of those that she openly talked about was the painful birth experiencing that she went through. The actress,producer ad media personality revealed that she almost lost her bundle of joy during delivery. She also pointed out that nothing could have prepared her for the experience she went through. Even though the emergency wasn’t anticipated, Relebogile was happy that she got to become a mother, a role that she cherishes dearly.
Another thing that Relebogile battled with was breastfeeding. Because her milk production was interrupted, she felt guilty that she was failing her baby.
“The part about breastfeeding I battled with the most was the guilt. Breast is best! This we know but it’s not always possible for a number of reasons and I ended up feeling like I’m failing my child. And then there’s this assumption that a big-breasted woman is full of milk. Sometimes she is and sometimes she isn’t. In my case, production was interrupted because of c-section delivery, baby being in NICU, being discharged before my little one was and coming home to a pump that wasn’t right for my needs…so I wasn’t as full as I looked. Fast forward 3 months later and baby and I are at a much better place,” Relebogile said.
The good news is that finally mommy dearest was able to produce milk for her baby, and he is feeding well. Relebogile was helped by a lactation specialist, her doctor, her mom-sistahood, medication, nursing teas and lactation bars.
‘No more latching issues, we have found awesome different positions we both like, baby has latched on his own, supply is up, pump is keeping my production high and we are feeding well. Most importantly, my guilt issues are almost gone when it comes to breast feeding. We are still topping up with formula but I know I am doing the best I can with what I have and where I am and because I am less anxious and stressed, baby is really relaxed and happy and enjoying boob time. He even lifts his little leg up and down while eating and makes joyful sounds,’ she said.